Life is not just…

about having all the money in the world .

about having a hundreds or thousands likes on facebook.

about having the latest gizmos.

about  selfies.

about receiving stuffs.

about watching t.v.

This is what I think what life is about:

making money and give

spending time with your love ones

having an adventure that is worth remembering when you’re old or better yet a story to tell your grand children

being truly happy from a genuine compliment of your husband

eating  sumptuous dinner with the family

deciding to be happy

The list will go on but the best for me is

knowing God

knowing Jesus

know thyself in the image of Jesus how? read the manual of life:Bible

the latter maybe hard to comprehend , but just a personal thought :God is the author of life wouldn’t it be easy to live according to what He says?

Your weird strange blogger,

Kristine Karen





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